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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《国际政治研究》 2012年第2期143-159,共17页

摘  要: 冷战时期,美国对以阿连德为首的智利左翼政治力量采取了干涉政策,其历史可以追溯到1958年。在1964年智利总统选举中及1970年智利总统选举结果揭晓后,美国采取了干涉行为。在左翼政党联盟“人民团结阵线”执政期间,美国从政治、经济和军事三方面展开对智利的干涉行动,其政策在最大程度上促成了阿连德政府的垮台和智利社会主义道路的终结。意识形态、地缘政治和经济利益是美国采取干涉政策的主要原因。 During the Cold War,the U.S. adopted an intervention policy to the Chilean left-wing political forces led by Salvador Allende. The history of this policy can be traced back to 1958. The U.S. intervened in the 1964 Chilean presidential election and after the 1970 Chilean presidential election results were announced. When the coalition of the left wing political parties,'The Unidad Popular',came to power,the U.S. interfered in Chile politically,economically,and militarily. American intervention had the greatest effect in bringing about the fall of the Allende government and the end of the Chilean socialism. Ideological,geopolitical,and economic interests were the main reasons for the U.S. policy for intervention.

关 键 词: 地区与国别政治 美国 智利 阿连德政府

分 类 号: [D618]

领  域: []


