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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2012年第1期 65-71,共7页

摘  要: 1964年智利总统选举,弗雷和阿连德展开了激烈竞争。此次选举结果不仅关系到未来六年智利政局的走向,而且也是对美国外交的严峻考验。基于意识形态和经济利益的双重因素,白宫对智利发动了大规模干涉行动。美国采取经济上援助基民党、舆论上抹黑阿连德、军事上炫耀武力等方式,把弗雷送进莫内达宫,阻止了阿连德当选,成功达到预期目的。美国的干涉深刻影响了智利政局的发展和美智关系的走向。 During the 1964 presidential election in Chile, Frei and Allende fiercely competed with each oth- er. The results of this election not only had important influence on the Chilean political development in the next six years, but also presented a major challenge to U.S. diplomacy. For ideological reasons and economic inter- ests, the U.S. launched large-scale intervention in Chile. The United States provided financial assistance to the Chilean Christian Democratic Party, darkened the image of Allende, exerted military pressure and so on. Thus, it sent Frei to La Moneda Palace, shattered the dreams of Allende, and achieved the desired objectives. The U. S. intervention profoundly affected the Chilean political developments and the U. S.-Chilean relations.

关 键 词: 美国 干涉 智利 阿连德 弗雷

分 类 号: [D871.2]

领  域: []


