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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《拉丁美洲研究》 2012年第1期54-59,共6页

摘  要: 早在1970年智利总统选举期间,美国白宫就提出对即将上台的阿连德政府实施经济封锁。当阿连德入主莫内达宫后,经济封锁便正式成为美国干涉智利最重要的手段。白宫切断了阿连德政府获得国际贷款的来源,利用债务问题向智利施加压力,同美国企业界一起采取各种措施阻挠阿连德政府实施铜矿国有化政策。美国的经济封锁重创了智利经济,恶化了美智关系,加速了智利“社会主义道路”失败的历史进程。 During the Chilean presidential election in 1970,the United States intended to impose economic blockade on Chile once Salvador Allende came into power.After the Unidad Popular won the election,it decided to put it into effect,which was viewed as the most severe U.S.punishment measure against Chile.The United States cut off the sources by which the Allende government obtained foreign loans,used the issue of debt as leverage to stress on Chile and intervene Allende ’s nationalization policy of copper mines.The blockade deteriorated the external environment of Chile and inflicted heavy economic losses on it,which is widely regarded as a leading factor accelerating the failure of Allende’s political experiment of constructing socialism.

关 键 词: 美国 智利 阿连德 经济封锁

分 类 号: [F832.6]

领  域: []


