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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《中州学刊》 2019年第10期107-118,共12页

摘  要: 郭店楚简《老子》文本包含有今本《老子》共三十一章的内容,《庄子》一书涉及今本《老子》共十六章的内容,《韩非子》一书引用了今本《老子》共二十五章的内容,再加上《吕氏春秋》《荀子》《战国策》等著作对《老子》的引文,说明今本《老子》一书到秦始皇统一中国之前,至少已具有了其中六十四章的全部或部分内容。而在这六十四章中,只有三十八章是完整或基本完整的《老子》某章内容,且它们全都出于郭店楚简《老子》和《韩非子》引《老子》,其他先秦诸书所引《老子》则属只言片语或概述大意。这又说明,到《韩非子》成书时为止,《老子》一书实际只有三十八章完全具有了今本《老子》的文本形态。今本《老子》的最后定型,应该是在秦始皇统一中国之后,为统一思想由丞相李斯主持完成的。 The text of Lao Zi found in Guodian,contained 31 chapters of the current Lao Zi.The book Zhuang Zi involved a total of 16 chapters of Lao Zi,and Han Fei Zi cited twenty-five chapters of Lao Zi;In addition,Lv Shi Chun Qiu,Xun Zi,the Warring States Policy and other works on the quotations from Lao Zi,indicated that Lao Zi had at least all or part of the sixty-four chapters before Qin unified China.In these sixty-four chapters,only thirty-eight chapters were complete or basically complete chapters of Lao Zi,and they were all from Guodian Bamboo Slips of Lao Zi and citations from Han Fei Zi on Lao Zi.The citations of Lao Zi in other pre-Qin books were fragments or outlines.This also proved that until the finishing of Han Fei Zi,only thirty-eight chapters of Lao Zi were complete text forms of the current Lao Zi.The final version of the current Lao Zi was completed by Li Si after Qin unified China.

关 键 词: 《老子》 《韩非子》 文本形态

分 类 号: [B223.1]

领  域: []


