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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《暨南学报:哲学社会科学版》 2018年第3期52-69,共18页

摘  要: 《吕氏春秋》一书,自《汉志》以来即隶之杂家。尽管对其主导思想,历来有属于儒家、道家、阴阳家及杂家等多说,但仍当以《汉志》所谓“兼儒、墨,合名、法”之“杂家”为准。《吕氏春秋》除论乐诸篇对儒家《乐论》思想的吸取之外,对儒家源于孔子的仁、义、忠、信等观念和思孟学派的“五行”学说及荀子“明分使群”、隆礼重法的思想,也都有明显的继承和发展;《吕氏春秋》对墨家思想的批评和扬弃,主要集中于《振乱》《禁塞》《大乐》等篇对墨家“非攻”“偃兵”“非乐”等观点的批判和继承上。《吕氏春秋》对于名家和法家的学术批评,也是一方面分别对名家和法家的学术思想进行了继承和扬弃,另一方面又将名家思想和法家思想的相关内容互 Although the guiding ideology of Lv’s Commentaries of History has always been deemed influenced by Confucianism,Taoism,Yin-Yang School and other Eclectics,it should adhere to the statement that“the Eclectics is a mixture of Confucianism,Mohism,the Schools of Logicians and Legalists”by Han Zhi.The masterpiece Lv’s Commentaries of History,apart from the absorption of the Confucian thought from Yue Lun,also inherits from and develop the Confucian thought of“benevolence,righteousness,loyalty and faith”.The academic criticism on Mohism in Lv’s Commentaries of History mainly focuses on some viewpoints of“Fei Gong”,“Yan Bing”,“Fei Yue”,and some articles like Zhen Luan,Jin Sai and Da Yue.For the academic criticism on the Schools of Logicians and Legalists,not only does the book inherit from and discard some of their ideas,but also it complements and integrates some related contents of each other.Moreover,it also critically inherits some views of the Political Strategists,Agriculturist and Fictionist.

关 键 词: 《吕氏春秋》 先秦诸子 学术批评

分 类 号: [B22]

领  域: []


