作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
出 处: 《中国语文》 2015年第3期266-273,共8页
摘 要: 把仙岛话作为缅语支的一种语言,这种系属地位的确认存在问题。从语音历史性条件和普遍性条件对仙岛话和缅语支语言尤其是阿昌语几种方言的分析比较表明,仙岛话和阿昌语陇川、梁河方言相似度高,与潞西方言相似度低;从核心词和同源词比较中也可证明,仙岛话与陇川方言相似度很高,应并入陇川方言。仙岛话作为独立的语言,缺乏语言学的必要条件和充分证据。 Kandao(ISO639- 3 code xia) is generally classified as an independent language of Burmese branch of Sina-Tibetan language family.Comparing the historical phonological conditions and present phonetic status between Kandao and other Burmese languages,such as three dialects of Achang language,this paper finds that Kandao has more similarities with the Longchuan dialect and Lianghe dialect,but less similiarities with the Lusi dialect of the Achang language.Kandao also shares high proportion of basic words and cognate words with the Longchuan dialect,which shows that Kandao should be grouped into the Longchuan dialect of Achang.There is no fundamental sound condition and enough linguistic evidence to support Kandao as an independent language.
分 类 号: [H175]
领 域: []