作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学文学院
出 处: 《史学史研究》 2017年第4期57-67,共11页
摘 要: 荷马史诗包含了不同时期的史料,其中有关波塞冬的部分记载存在可商榷之处。如《伊利亚特》中记载"驯马的特洛伊人不敬马神波塞冬"之事。考古证据和赫梯文献的记载证明,该问题虽看似不合逻辑但符合史实,其隐含了一些更早期的宗教和历史史料,与史诗的背景故事即特洛伊战争有关,可见史诗的相关记载并非空穴来风。 Homeric Epics contain multi-factors of various periods,and the records of Poseidon needs to be further analyzed. There is,for example,a contradictory argument in The Iliad that is"Horse-taming Trojans did not Worship Poseidon Hippios". According to archaeological evidences and Hittite records,it was illogical,but it was consistent with the truth. It contains some earlier factors of religion and history. These records related to the background of Homeric Epics,i. e. the Trojan War,which proves those relevant records in Homeric Epics are reliable.
关 键 词: 《伊利亚特》 驯马的特洛伊人 波塞冬 赫梯文献 特洛伊战争
分 类 号: [K091]
领 域: []