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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学经济学院

出  处: 《经济学(季刊)》 2012年第3期1323-1344,共22页

摘  要: 2007年年底我国决定在山东、河南和四川三省试点实施“家电下乡”政策。2008年购买“家电下乡”产品的试点省农民可向政府申请销售价格13%的补贴,补贴稳定了全球金融危机中中国家电企业的生产,农民得到了实惠。但这类补贴政策有无提高社会整体消费率?我们将“家电下乡”试点视为一次准实验,用匹配的倍差法(Difference—in—Differenceswith Matching)和2002--2008年的县级数据评估“家电下乡”对户均消费的影响。研究发现,2008年“家电下乡”并未使试点县户均消费增长高于非试点县。限定期限补贴某一种产品使得家电产品未来价格相对当前上升,使得农民的家电消费提前,信贷约束下的农户必须减少其他产品的当期消费。同时,对家电的补贴也使得非补贴产品的相对价格上升,从而减少非补贴产品的当期消费。政府收入用于补贴同时也可能挤出了其他公共支出。 JiadianXia:ciang provides 13% rebate on home electrical appliances pur chased by the rural residents and is an important program of Chitaese government to stimulate domestic consumption. The program was piloted in three provinces in 2008, which are Si- chuan, Shandong and Henan. The program can be regarded as a quasi-experiment on house- hold consumption. We use county level data from 2002 to 2007 and apply difference-in-differ- ence matching method to estimate the impact of JiadianXiaa'iang on household consumption. The study indicates that JiadianXiaziang did not stimulate the consumption. The rebate was available in limited time, which means that the buyer-prices of electrical appliances would be higher in the future. The rebate also makes the prices of other goods higher relative to the electrical appliances. Therefore the program caused substantial substitution effects between e lectrical appliances and other goods, and between present and future consumptions. The re- bate from government revenue might also have crowded out public expenditure.

关 键 词: 家电下乡 户均消费 匹配的倍差法 项目评估

分 类 号: [F426.63]

领  域: []


