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作  者: ;

机构地区: 文学院

出  处: 《清华大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2017年第3期87-95,共9页

摘  要: 移文,又称"移"或"移书",是我国古代重要的应用文体,主要用于通告晓谕、劝诫责让。春秋战国,移文往往依附于"书"而称"遗书"。刘歆《移让太常博士书》被称为"文移之首",具有重要的文体学意义。此时的移文与檄文多混淆和交融,导致"移檄"并称。两汉移文在行文方向、行文对象、文体功能诸方面呈现出多元化和模糊化的特征。魏晋时期,移文开始摆脱对其他文体的依附而独立成体,语言渐趋骈俪化。移文至六朝而体制完备、程式规范,行文关系单一、清晰,进入创作典范时期。自唐至清,"移"作为平行文种被列入国家法定的正式行政公文,其现实功用和程式化增强,文学性减弱。《北山移文》作为历代公认的文章经典,得益于其文本固有的新奇造语、虚拟化的拟人手法、抒情变形的表现方式。唐宋文人对它的接受主要在于精工的文学技巧和以戏谑方式嘲讽假隐的批评精神,前者作为范文被诗文家摘用和仿效,后者作为文化符号被文人士大夫凝化为"北山移"情结。 Yi Wen,also known as the Yi or Yi Shu,is an important application of style in ancient China,mainly used to notice,with responsibility for the move.In the Spring and Autumn Warring States,it was often attached to the Shu and thus called Yi Shu.Liu Xins Dr.Tai Chang Yi Shu was called the first Yi Wen,which has the important significance of stylistics.This shift and much confusion and the official accusation blend,lead to Yi Xi and the shift in this direction.In the Han Dynasty,the object,the stylistic function aspects of diversity,had more fuzzy characteristics.In the Wei and Jin Dynasties,Yi Wen began to get rid of dependence on other genres and the independent body language became more parallelism.Yi Wen in the Six Dynasties became a complete system,program specification,formed the relationship between the single,clear,and entered a creative model period.From the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty,Yi as a parallel language was included in the national statutory formal administrative documents of the practical function,and stylized enhancement,with its literariness weakened.The reception of it by scholars in the Tang and Song Dynasties mainly lies in the Seiko literary techniques and in a joking way.False hidden spirit of criticism,the former was picked as exemplar poetry and imitated by others,and the latter is regarded by the literati as the'Beishan Yi'complex as a cultural symbol.

关 键 词: 移文 檄文 《北山移文》 经典化 隐逸 “北山移”

分 类 号: [C931.46]

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