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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学新闻与传播学院

出  处: 《国际新闻界》 2014年第11期116-128,共13页

摘  要: 基于风险社会理论,本文对半岛电视台的话语传播进行了深层次的分析。就社会实践层面而言,风险遍布的现代社会是半岛所处的结构化情境,全球社群关注风险,为其培育了忠实的观众群体,是为半岛脱颖而出的宏观社会因素。就话语实践层面而言,半岛突破播出渠道掣肘,依仗新媒体平台达至更广泛受众,其话语建构能成功改变观众态度。就文本层面而言,半岛的电视文本以非西方视角集中呈现被忽视的地域、被忽视的风险,具有非主流特性。借风险社会之势,半岛电视台对风险进行了不同于西方主流媒体的符号呈现,使世界新闻报道更为全面、平衡,致力于改变传播话语的权力结构。 Based on the theory of risk society, this paper explores the discursive communication of AI Jazeera. On the level of social practice, Al Jazeera is defined by the social context, a modem society with pervasive risks. The global community's close attention to risks cultivates a loyal viewership of Al Jazeera, which is the social factor of its success. On the level of discursive practice, Al Jazeera overcomes the limitation of broadcasting channels and reaches a wider viewership by means of new media. Its discursive construction of global risks can successfully influence audiences. On the textual level, Al Jazeera aims at representing the neglected risks in unnoticed areas with non-western discourses, which largely plays the role of alternative media. Within the risk society, Al Jazeera constructs global risks different from those represented by the western mainstream media. Its endeavor makes global news reports more comprehensive and balanced, thus it is changing the world information and communication order.'

关 键 词: 社会语境 话语实践 电视文本 三维话语概念

分 类 号: [G229.385.4]

领  域: []


