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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2016年第8期114-126,共13页

摘  要: 中国旅游目的地发展已经进入形象主导阶段,对目的地形象的研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。旅游者的目的地形象认知具有主观性,使不同群体的目的地形象比较成为学界的研究热点。然而,这些成果依然散落在各自独立的研究之中,尚未有系统总结。文章从5个方面述评了相关成果,发现不同群体的目的地形象认知有同有异,但存在普遍差异,同时,现有研究具有以下4个特点:从研究案例看,研究普遍缺乏中国案例;从研究视角看,能够影响人类行为的情境要素并未受到足够重视;从研究内容看,跨文化研究在文化群体比较中占据绝对主导,国内学界也仅在跨文化研究方面有较多积累,其他类型群体的比较研究极少;从研究阶段看,目前尚处描述研究阶段,还未进入解释研究阶段。因此,文章认为,在未来目的地形象的群体比较研究中,应关注以中国目的地为案例的群体比较研究,关注中国(国)内文化群体的比较研究,关注情境要素,关注更深一步的解释性研究等。 Tourism destination image (TDI) is one of the most important topics in tourism research. As the tourist' s subjective cognition of the tourism destination, different groups may have a different TDI of the same destination, so a lot of research aims to reveal the differences between different groups. However, there is still no review of how TDI comparative research proceeds and what the next step should be. In this paper, we focus on the need for a summary of TDI comparative research. The TDI comparative research among different groups includes five aspects: TDI comparison between tourists and non-tourists, first-time and repeat tourists, local and foreign tourists, tourists with different cultural backgrounds, and other groups. Overall, different groups have a different TDI; the differences are common and diverse. In TDI comparison between tourists and non-tourists, tourists' TDI is always better and richer than non-tourists; and the differences between the two groups are inevitable and diversified. Meanwhile, results show that tourists' cultural background may have an important effect on the TDI difference. In first-time and repeat tourists, most results reflect that there are differences between the two groups. Repeat tourists can perceive more image factors than first-time tourists; therefore, repeat tourists' TDI is generally richer and more impressive than first-time tourists. Moreover, different contexts can also affect the same tourists' TDI and make it varied. In local and foreign tourists, local tourists' TDI tends to involve emotion, while the foreign tourists' TDI is more objective. The differences between the two groups often reflects in the comparison of cognitive image; when referring to core tourism attractions, there are no significant differences. Therefore, the basic consensus is that the TDI between the two groups is different, but the difference varies according to context. In tourists with different cultural backgrounds, cross-cultural comparisons are dominant; there

关 键 词: 目的地形象 群体比较 比较研究 研究进展 启示

分 类 号: [F59]

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