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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2019年第5期90-104,共15页

摘  要: 黑色旅游包含着人们复杂的体验,文章以侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆为案例,利用线上用户生成内容数据,对中文、英文、日文描述的旅游体验进行分析,基于游前-游中-游后的时间逻辑构建了黑色旅游体验的结构模型。研究发现:第一,黑色旅游体验包括从哀而不伤,到百感交集,再到静水流深的3个阶段,其框架结构可按照体验时间、情感表现、体验内容以及体验层次等方面进行组织;第二,黑色旅游的悲情一面,能够跨越文化和国界的限制成为旅游者的共同体验,如战争的残酷、人性的黑暗面、悲悯的情感等;第三,社会距离、文化背景、政治意识形态及个人立场等因素能够影响人们的黑色旅游体验。综合来看,旅游是促进"民相通"的有效途径。同时,黑色旅游带来的体验,也并非仅是显示度较高的悲伤情感,它最终会使人们对历史过往进行深刻反思,并进一步思考生命意义,这一层面更加重要。 Dark tourism, because of the complex emotions it evokes, occupies a unique position in tourism research and has become a well-known construct to both researchers and practitioners. There is an emerging body of research exploring the appeal of dark tourism. However, because of data collection challenges, it is difficult to accurately describe the experience of dark tourism, especially when its overall framework remains unclear. However, the situation has been improving as time passes,and as more tourists share their reviews and experiences online, researchers are able to accumulate useful data and thus build a more complete picture of dark tourism. In this paper, we have used the example of Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, which commemorates the more than 300,000 victims who died over six weeks in 1937 in the Nanjing Massacre by the Imperial Japanese Army.The user-generated content data gathered from TripAdvisor and Virtualtourist, two prominent international tourist websites, and Ctrip, Qunar, Mafengwo and Baidu, four popular tourist websites in China, are applied to analyze Chinese, English and Japanese tourists’ experiences from a cross-cultural perspective. This also provides a more general evaluation of the dark tourism experience. Data are then coded separately, with results showing that the dark tourism experience can be divided into the time segments of pre-tour, mid-tour and post-tour. The findings in this paper are as follows: first, the overall experience of dark tourism is multi-dimensional and produces a scale of reactions, from restrained sadness to a whirlpool of emotions, bringing together the details of experiences from the past,encouraging awareness and reflection, and creating a lasting impression;secondly, the pathos of dark tourism was significantly similar in the three cross-cultural experiences, being the remnants of war, the dark side of human nature, and empathizing with those who suffered;and thirdly, the factors which can influence a person’s dark tourism experience include social dis

关 键 词: 黑色旅游 旅游体验 网络文本 群体比较 侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆

分 类 号: [F59]

领  域: []


