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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《清华大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2016年第6期14-21,共8页

摘  要: “软实力”是目前国际政治关系领域的重要关键词之一,由此而形成的话语体系逐渐在人文社会科学共同体中产生张力。当下的中国文学外译实践本质上是我国国家软实力提升战略的重要举措之一,然而其与“软实力”之间存在的张力机制却一直没有得到论证与叙写。要做到这一点,首先有必要立足软实力内涵,对中国文化“走出去”战略经由文学外译路径而形成的“翻译一传播/接受”这一现有逻辑理路进行先验反思,进而揭示并勾画出当下中国文学外译在软实力视角下所涉的双核学科范式:译介学是基础,并由此反哺翻译学。这一定位对于我国当下实施的中国文化“走出去”战略有着学理指导意义。 Soft power has come to be one of the key words in the domain of current international political relations,and its discursive system has produced certain tension in the community of the humanities and social sciences.In nature the translation of Chinese literature nowadays is one of the crucial strategies of developing China's soft power,but the mechanism existing between the soft power and its discursive system has never been explained and described.To spotlight it,the concept and ideas of soft power have to be made clear,and a priori self-examination on the logic of translation→transmission/acceptability has to be conducted.On the basis of these,we can bring to light a dual-core paradigm enjoyed by the current translation of Chinese literature:mediatranslatology plus translatology,with the former fundamental and nurturing the latter.The theoretical location will be instructive to our cultural strategy of going global in progress.

关 键 词: 中国文学外译 软实力 翻译学 译介学 文化“走出去”

分 类 号: [H159]

领  域: []


