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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《社会科学》 2009年第12期 72-82,共11页

摘  要: 正是基于对人的自我决定权的尊重,“患者的意思是最高的法”,患者的同意成为阻却医疗行为违法性的根本事由。有效的患者同意,应当是由患者本人(或者其监护人)以表达于外部的方式,在医疗行为实施之前作出;同意蕴涵了“接受”或者“拒绝”,指向的是医疗行为及其结果;同意只需出于患者的自愿即可,并非必定理性。欠缺患者同意的医疗行为包括强制医疗、紧急医疗和专断医疗,前两者的正当化根据分别是公共利益和推定的患者同意。至于专断医疗,少数国家规定了专门罪名,有的国家作为伤害罪处理,而大多数国家则认为不成立犯罪,我国现阶段不宜将专断医疗入罪化。 Because of the respect to patient's self-determination,the patient's will is the mostly effective law and the patient's consent becomes the core justification of the medical treatment.A valid patient's consent should be made by the patient himself (or his guardian) in form of external and before medical actions implement.Consent implies 'acceptance' or 'refuse' to medical action,points to the medical action and its results,and may not definitely rational as long as it comes of the patient's own accord.Medical treatment lacking patient's consent refers to coercive medical treatment,emergency medical treatment and unauthorized medical treatment.The justified bases of the first two are public interests and presumptive consent.So as to unauthorized medical treatment,some nations provide the special charge for it,German treats it in accordance with Offenses of Intentional Injury,while most countries do not treat it as a crime.At present,unauthorized medical treatment should not be treated as a crime in China.

关 键 词: 患者同意 正当化 强制医疗 紧急医疗 专断医疗

分 类 号: [D922.16 D924.11]

领  域: [] []


