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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《外国经济与管理》 2015年第12期59-72,共14页

摘  要: 辱虐管理是指下属对领导持续的非身体接触暴力敌对行为的感知,如嘲弄奚落、公开大声责骂、刻意冷落等。自2009年以来,辱虐管理研究呈现百花齐放的局面,数十篇基于不同理论视角的研究成果相继发表在国内外知名期刊上。本文首先阐述了辱虐管理的概念与测量研究的发展现状,继而基于个体特征、资源与自我调节、周边影响、社会交换以及社会学习与社会信息处理五个理论视角,对已有的辱虐管理研究的理论解释逻辑与不足进行了梳理与评述,并在此基础上进行了总结与展望,以期为研究者把握不同理论的适用性以确定未来研究的方向与重点提供借鉴。 Abusive supervision refers to subordinates~ perception of constant hostile ver bal and nonverbal behavior from leaders, excluding physical contacts, such as teasing, publicly ranting and deliberately snubbing. Abusive supervision research has flourished since 2009, and dozens of papers based on different theoretical perspectives have been published in do mestic and foreign journals. This paper firstly introduces the development of concept and measurement of abusive supervision, and sorts out theoretical interpretation logic and short comings of current abusive supervision research from five theoretical perspectives: personal characteristics, resources and self-regulation, surrounding effects, social exchange, social learning and social information processing. It makes prospects for future research to provide references for future research directions and emphases.

关 键 词: 辱虐管理 资源与自我调节 社会交换 社会学习 社会信息处理

分 类 号: [F270]

领  域: []


