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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《经济学》 2011年第1期 653-674,共22页

摘  要: 本文基于“中国工业企业数据库”的企业层面数据,整理出中国524个四位数代码产业的2005--2006年产业层面数据。我们假设政府对国有经济比重较大的产业设置了较强的行政进入壁垒,并以国有经济比重大小为标准对样本进行分组回归。结果表明,国有经济比重大的行政进入壁垒产业的创新与市场结构呈显著“U形”曲线关系,熊彼特假说成立;国有经济比重小的自由市场产业的创新与市场结构呈显著“倒U形”曲线关系,熊彼特假说不成立。本文认为,忽略行政垄断和自由市场的制度因素,把国有经济比重大小不一的样本混合起来进行回归估计,可能是以往国内外实证研究出现结果不显著、不稳健,甚至互相矛盾的主要原因。 Using firm-level data of China's large and medium-size industrial firms for 2005 and 2006, this paper studies the effects of entry barriers on innovation. It is assumed that industries with higher shares of state ownership have higher entry barriers. The OLS regression shows that the relationship between R&D and market structure is U-shaped in the high state-ownership industries. This result suggests that the Schumpeterian Hypothesis is true in the industries with high entry barriers. We also find that the relationship between R&D and market structure is inverse U-shaped in the low state-ownership industries, which means the Sehumpeterian HYpothesis does not apply. This paper suggests that if an empirical study on the Schumpeterian Hypothesis in China ignores the share of state ownership, the re- sults would be insignificant or even misleading.

关 键 词: 创新 市场结构 国有经济比重 行政进入壁垒 熊彼特假说

分 类 号: [F424]

领  域: []


