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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《北京行政学院学报》 2019年第1期79-85,共7页

摘  要: 如何批判“塔克尔—伍德命题”依据“马克思谴责资本主义时并没有依据‘正义’的价值观”得出“马克思缺乏正义理论”的观点?对此,我们需要深入、透彻地理解马克思正义批判的思想逻辑。马克思为了澄清“私有财产是私有者的应得”“个人权利构成了正义的基石和支点”和“市民社会是天然合理的社会模型”等错误观点,深入到强大的经济事实和鲜活的生产活动中,对“应得正义论”“权利正义论”和“市民社会正义论”展开批判,澄清和阐明了私有制、权利平等、市民社会为什么不能作为正义不容置疑的前提和基础,以及它们为什么不能给人类社会带来真正的正义,并在批判中完成了实践性和革命性的正义理论建构。 How to criticize that the“Tucker-Wood Thesis”concludes the point of view that“Marx lacks a theory of justice according to the fact that“Marx’s critique of capitalism is not based on the value of‘justice’”?For this,we need to understand the thought logic of Marx’s critique of justice deeply and thoroughly.In order to clarify the erroneous views that“private property is private owners’entitlement”,“individual rights constitute the cornerstone and fulcrum of justice”and“civil society is a natural and reasonable social model”,Marx goes deep into strong economic facts and real production activities,criticizes“theory of entitlement justice”,“theory of right justice”,and“theory of civil society justice”,clarifies and illustrates why private ownership,equality of rights,and civil society cannot be regarded as the unquestionable premise and foundation of justice and why they cannot bring real justice to human society,and completes the practical and revolutionary construction of the theory of justice in his critique.

关 键 词: 马克思 正义批判 应得正义论 权利正义论 市民社会正义论

分 类 号: [A811]

领  域: []


