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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《方言》 2015年第4期316-323,共8页

摘  要: 泗水方言的能性述补结构与普通话类型不同,肯定式以“VC了”式、“V了了”式和“V/A了”式来表达,其中助词“了”出现于句尾,表达能性义。它还可与助动词“能”共现,以加强句中“能性”的表达力度。从文献资料可知,这一表能性的助词“了”在清初之际的北方方言口语中已开始出现,并一直沿用至今。 Differing from that in Putonghua,the affirmative verb-complement constructions in Sishui dialect can be figured as VC+[l?·▕]T,V+[li??]了 +[l?·▕)]T and V/A+[l?:?]了,in which the auxiliary word[l?·▕]了,indicating potentiality,appears only at the end of a sentence.It can co-occur with auxiliary[neng]能in order to strengthen the potentiality.Based on historical documents,the author argues that the potential auxiliary word[l?·▕]T appears in the early Qing dynasty in the dialects in northern China and has been used ever since.

关 键 词: 中原官话 泗水方言 方言语法“VC了”式 能性述补结构 历史语法

分 类 号: [H146]

领  域: []


