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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学经济学院

出  处: 《台湾研究集刊》 2017年第5期44-56,共13页

摘  要: 海峡两岸产业合作是提升各自技术创新水平的重要途径,然而现有文献缺少对两岸技术创新效率的深入比较及影响因素分析。本文运用数据包络分析(DEA)的方法测度2000—2013年中国大陆26个省市和台湾地区的综合技术效率、技术进步以及Malmquist指数,分析海峡两岸技术创新效率的差异及变动趋势,并对外商直接投资、人力资本、对外依存度、制度因素、人均GDP增长率等指标与综合技术效率、技术进步以及全要素生产率(TFP)的关系进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:台湾地区综合技术效率普遍高于大陆各省市水平,但大陆各省市综合技术效率呈不断上升趋势,并且多数省市的全要素生产率增长率与技术进步高于台湾,海峡两岸间的技术创新效率存在收敛趋势。大陆各省市综合技术效率呈现出区域差距明显的特点,东部地区综合技术效率高,中西部地区综合技术效率则较低。影响两岸技术创新效率的因素中,非国有企业在经济发展的影响力上升有利于技术创新效率的提升,人力资本是影响技术进步和全要素生产率最重要的因素,对外贸易有利于技术创新效率的提升,但人均GDP增长速度和实际利用外商直接投资对技术创新效率没有显著影响。 The cross-Strait industrial cooperation is an important way to enhance their level of technological innovation. However, the existing literature lacks in-depth comparison of technological innovation efficiency and detailed analysis of their influencing factors. Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this paper estimates the overall technical efficiency, the progress of technology and Malmquist index of both the mainland's 26 cities and Taiwan from 2000 to 2013, analyzing the differences and changing trend of their technological innovation efficiency. The paper also conducts an empirical test of the relationship between foreign direct investment, human capital, external dependence, institutional factors, GDP per capita growth rate and overall technological efficiency, technological progress as well as total factor productivity (TFP). The findings indicate that Taiwan's overall technological efficiency is generally higher than that of mainland's provinces and cities. Nevertheless, the overall technological efficiency in the mainland's provinces is constantly showing a rising trend. Moreover, the TEP growth rate and the technological progress in a majority of mainland's provinces and cities are higher than those in Taiwan and the cross-Strait technological innovation efficiency also shows the trend of convergence. On the other hand, the overall technological efficiency in the mainland presents significant regional disparities, with the eastern region higher while the central and western region relatively lower. In the factors that affect the cross-Strait technological innovation efficiency, the rising influence of the economic development in the non state- owned enterprises is conducive to the improvement of technological innovation efficiency. Human capital is the most important factor affecting technological progress and TFP. Foreign trade is of benefit to the improvement of technological innovation efficiency but GDP per capita growth rate and foreign direct investment have not significant impac

关 键 词: 技术创新效率 综合技术效率 MALMQUIST指数 固定效应模型

分 类 号: [F062.4]

领  域: []


