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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《人文地理》 2015年第5期106-110,共5页

摘  要: 以广东丹霞山断石村为例,通过田野调查分析旅游发展成熟阶段,非少数民族、景区依附型乡村社区旅游参与模式及其增权途径。研究发现,断石村在依靠丹霞山景区参与旅游发展的历程中,自下而上地自主构建了基于契约平等观的民主村治制度、土地征租制度和利益分配制度,并基于契约信守观自主执行了这些制度,有效的控制和化解了外部干预和内部冲突,确保了村民真正参与到旅游决策、管理、经营和利益分配等各个环节,基本实现了政治、经济、心理和社会增权,为我国社区旅游实践提供了一种具有典型意义的"契约主导型社区增权模式"。研究指出,断石村自我增权是嵌入于社区外部的和内部的双重制度环境下的行动结果,如何改革和完善现有制度以强化制度的强制性和制裁性,构建旨在促进社会增权的新制度,是其实现可持续发展需要解决的问题。 Based on case study of Duanshi Village in Danxia Mountain, Guangdong province, the paper aims at analyzing how non-minority, tourist attraction dependent rural communities achieve political, economic,psychological and social empowerment through contract-of-equality view based informal institution built from bottom up in the background of tourism development. It is found that in the case of Duanshi Village, it has gone through three periods of tourism participation, from individual involvement to the organizational involvement and lastly to the period of comprehensive involvement. Throughout the process, the village has constituted series of informal institutions based on the view of contract-of-equality, including democratic village governance system, the land rent and requisition system, and the interest allocation system. Abide by the concept of contract, local residents have autonomously implemented all these informal institutions and thus are able to effectively take control of and resolve external intervention and internal conflicts, which ensures local residents truly participate in the process of tourism decision-making, management, operation and interests allocation, and resultantly achieve political, economic, psychological and social empowerment of local residents. The paper also points out that self-empowerment of Duanshi Village is embedded in the outcome of actions in the dual(external and internal) institutional environment.Therefore, the paper in the end indicates that major problems the Duanshi Village currently faces in the process of sustainable tourism development lie in how to reform and perfect the existing institution to strengthen its functions of mandatory and sanction, as well as to constitute new institution aiming at promotion of social empowerment.

关 键 词: 社区旅游 社区参与 契约平等 增权 断石村

分 类 号: [F592]

领  域: []


