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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2016年第5期45-54,共10页

摘  要: 基于凝视理论视角,采用内容分析法,研究游客间的"道德式"凝视及其对中国游客不文明行为的规训意义。研究发现,旅游道德凝视依据当代中国社会所倡导和认可的旅游道德伦理规范,将"不文明旅游"识别出来,借助由数码相机、智能手机和互联网等构筑的公共话语平台,将"不文明旅游"暴露于网络社会及其他潜在旅游者的"凝视"之下,通过由"网络围观"所构筑的"监狱式网络空间"对之进行监控并规训其他潜在旅游者,其结果促进了新的规训技术和规训制度的社会生产。这种凝视是一种特殊的游客间凝视,具有符号性、不平等性以及自发性、民间性特点。研究是对凝视理论本土化的实证尝试,拓展了旅游凝视理论的维度和内涵,对规范和管理旅游不文明行为具有启示意义。 In the 21 st century, China has entered an era of mass tourism. With rapid growth of the domestic and outbound tourism markets, uncivil tourist behavior has also become conspicuous. China is not the first country to face this problem; some Americans abroad gained a poor reputation after World War II, Japanese in the 1970 s, and South Koreans in the 1990 s. Modern- day China now sees instances of tourists filming other tourists' uncivil behavior, and rapidly publicizing it online in blogs,microblogs, forums, and social networking services. This media quickly becomes a popular conversational topic among different groups, which leads to widespread discussion and reflection on Chinese tourists' behavior. From a perspective of sociologist John Urry's notion of"tourist gaze,"using content analysis, we study moral gaze among tourists and means of discipline for Chinese tourists' uncivil behavior. We find that the moral gaze of tourism, according to the promoted and recognized codes of ethics for tourism in contemporary Chinese society, recognizes"uncivil tourism". Spurred by public discourse platforms enabled by cameras, smart phones, and the Internet, this tourism is exposed to cyber- society and the gaze of other potential tourists. First, in analyzing photos, we find that the moral gaze is the process of symbol construction directed at the other tourists' uncivil behavior, which differs from John Urry's tourist gaze directed at a place, such as tourist destination. The moral gaze also differentiates four types of uncivil behavior: destroying cultural relics and historical sites, harming environmental health, ecological damage, and the damaging of public facilities. Second, from content analysis of textual online dialogue, we find the moral gaze mainly reflects a negative attitude toward the uncivil behavior, a discourse containing an unequal relationship of power/knowledge wherein the tourists who are gazing see themselves as morally superior to the uncivil tourists. Third, the moral gaze is not

关 键 词: 游客间凝视 不文明旅游 规训 内容分析法

分 类 号: [F59]

领  域: []


