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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2019年第7期124-136,共13页

摘  要: 在中国历史城镇旅游开发过程中,出现部分历史城镇在资本、创新和政府三方力量的协作下,发生急剧的创造性破坏式发展,Mitchell提出的旅游创造性破坏模型在解释这些历史城镇旅游地发展演化过程上存在局限性。文章基于乌镇案例,通过对网络媒体资料进行内容分析,构建历史城镇旅游商业化的创造性破坏模型,以作为Mitchell模型的修正与补充。模型明确界定了历史城镇旅游创造性破坏的主体和支持主体,重新界定了历史城镇旅游的创造性破坏驱动力,提出了历史城镇旅游创造性破坏的主要方式,并指出正是其中任一方式的创新,影响旅游地的发展进阶,甚至促使其实现跳跃式发展。乌镇模式的示范效应影响着中国历史城镇旅游的创造性破坏发展,可能成为中国历史城镇旅游未来发展的一种趋势。 Historic towns are important to China. s cultural heritage. They are enjoyed by Chinese people and an increase in popularity in recent years has attracted public funds and private capital into the tourism industry. This has resulted in tourism commodification and has caused a series of problems within the towns, such as a reduction in cultural authenticity and identity. Mitchell(1998, 2009) has developed a creative destruction model to predict the developmental path of destination commodification. The model is divided into a six-stage process: pre-commodification;early commodification;advanced commodification;early destruction;advanced destruction;and post-destruction. This paper applies the creative destruction model to Wuzhen, a historic town in Zhejiang, China, which has developed into a world-famous tourist destination. It aims to examine whether the model is suitable to describe the commodification characteristics and developmental revolution of Wuzhen using secondary data collected from network media. The paper reveals that Wuzhen has evolved from the precommodification stage to post-destruction stage, but has bypassed the second stage of early commodification. The stages of early destruction and advanced destruction were rather short and difficult to distinguish. The paper explains that Wuzhen has experienced a rapid creative destruction process under the coordinated powers of government, innovation(or entrepreneurship), capital and even some cultural conservationists. The creative destruction model proposed by Mitchell does not provide an adequate explanation for why and how the destination has developed so significantly. It also neglects the finding that the phenomenon of creative destruction occurs within both historic and industrial destinations within the heritage tourism industry. Therefore, this paper proposes a modified model of tourism creative destruction to be applied to historic towns, particularly those imitating or following the"Wuzhen Model"in China. The modified model separates the entities

关 键 词: 历史城镇 旅游商业化 创造性破坏 内容分析法 乌镇

分 类 号: [F59]

领  域: []


