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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州南洋理工职业学院

出  处: 《广东农工商职业技术学院学报》 2005年第3期55-60,共6页

摘  要: 近年来,越来越多的高职院校开设了商务英语专业课程,招生形势喜人,但潜伏的就业问题也不断突出。该文通过问卷调查的形式,分析了前三届学生的就业状况以及学生的就业理念,认为毕业生就业必须从实际出发,积极调整期望值,准确定位,才能提高就业满意度和成功率。 During the recent years, many polytechnic colleges offered the major of Business English, and they enjoyed the pleasant recruitment situation, while the latent employment problem is becoming rather serious. This essay probes into the graduates' employment expectation and reality by surveys, and points out that the essential way to increase the employment rate is a systemic project. The students should set proper expectations and hold a rational self-evaluation, while colleges should improve their educational management and innovation.

关 键 词: 高职院校就业状况 商务英语专业 调查报告

分 类 号: [G717.38]

领  域: []


