作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东医科大学
出 处: 《湛江师范学院学报》 2010年第4期 38-41,共4页
摘 要: 马克思主义是建立在现实的物质条件基础上,马克思主义大众化的实现,固然需要加强国家的舆论宣传和教育,但其最终的确立还在于社会主义物质基础的不断完善。我国当前出现的民生问题,是影响推进马克思主义大众化的重要社会根源和物质基础。必须不断改善民生,才能使马克思主义成为全体人民的价值认同和价值追求。 Marxism is established in the material conditions.The popularization of Marxism to be realized needs to strengthen the publicity and education,and also needs the ultimate establishment of socialist material base of continuous improvement.China's current issure of livelihood is a problem for the important advance of Marxist social origins and Marxism popularization.There must be a constant improvement of the livelihood of the people and for marxism to be the people's the value recognition and value pursuit.
分 类 号: [A81]
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