作 者: ;
机构地区: 珠海城市职业技术学院
出 处: 《企业经济》 2015年第6期55-59,共5页
摘 要: 在网络条件下,顾客在线创新会引发网络口碑传播行为,而网络口碑又会反过来影响顾客在线创新绩效。本文首先分析顾客在线创新和网络口碑传播的概念界定和相互关系,然后从研究两者关系的文献得出经济型激励、精神型激励、参与乐趣、利他主义方面是其共通点,最后提出通过“经济关系”和“社交关系”的互动策略,包括制定经济激励措施、建立个性化、交流性的网上互动平台、利用“病毒式网络营销”、注重用户创造内容等来提高顾客在线创新绩效。 Under the condition of network, customer online innovation can lead to electronic word of mouth, and EWOM will in turn affect customer online innovation. Firstly, this paper analyzes the interactive relationship of customer online innovation and electronic word of mouth, and then from the related literature research, it is found that economic incentives, spirit incentives, pleasure of engagement and altruism are the things in common. Lastly it proposes customer interaction strategy of "economic relationship" and "social relationship" as to improve online innovation performance, including the establishment of economic incentives and personalized online interactive platforms, the use of "viral online marketing" and great attention to UGC.
关 键 词: 顾客创新 网络口碑 文献研究 经济关系 社交关系
分 类 号: [F724]
领 域: []