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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《地方立法研究》 2017年第4期46-56,共11页

摘  要: 履行国际义务的外在推力、广东低碳经济发展内在需要以及立法经验缺失等促使了《广东省碳排放管理试行办法》的出台。该试行办法在立法目标、原则的确定以及制度、机制的设计等方面取得了不少成功经验,其实施也取得了促使控排企业碳排放量下降、助力加快“去产能”步伐、碳交易产业链得到培育等社会效果。但也瑜中有瑕,存在着合法性不足、部分条款虚置、制度可操作性不强等诸多问题。当前,应当借鉴美国加利福尼亚州碳排放交易立法的有益经验,将该试行办法上升为地方性法规,并完善其立法目的与原则、健全碳排放交易的法律保障机制以及与相关制度的有效衔接和协调,从而实现现实背景下广东碳排放交易管理立法的最优化。 Outward driving force for fulfilling international obligation,domestic demand for low-carbon economy development as well as the inexperience of legislation lead to the introduction of the proposed regulations of management of carbon emission in Guangdong province(the proposed regulations).The proposed regulations have acquired much successful experience in the determination of legislative goals and principles as well as the design of system and mechanism.Its implementation bares fruits,such as entailing the decline of the carbon emission from the constrained businesses,beefing up the process of DE-capacity and the cultivation of carbon trading industry chain.However,there are certain flaws,to name just a few,lack of validity,certain unnecessary terms and lack of operability in terms of system.At present,we should draw upon the helpful experience from the legislation on carbon emission trading in California to make the proposed regulations become local laws and regulations,to improve its legislation perfection in terms of goals and principles,to safeguard the legal protection system of carbon emission trading as well as to coordinate with related system.Thus it can optimize the results of the legislation on the management of carbon emission in trading Guangdong province.

关 键 词: 碳排放交易 地方立法 最优化 广东

分 类 号: [D922.68 D927]

领  域: [] []


