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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《扬州教育学院学报》 2017年第2期55-59,共5页

摘  要: 大学生道德教育改革是我国高等教育的长期任务,也是强烈的现实诉求。道德教育内容单一与大学生兴趣低迷之间的不良循环,教育途径单一与生活情境脱离的"真空"环境,知行脱节与道德虚伪的必然结果共同形成了低效道德教育的整体风貌,也无可置疑地揭示出大学生道德教育改革的巨大现实压力。与此同时,无论是作为道德教育直接对象的大学生,还是作为教育主体的高校,抑或是社会每一个普通家庭都有革新道德教育的迫切精神需求,无疑也为改革提供了强劲不竭的动力。 The reform of college students' moral education is a long-term task of China's higher education,and a strong realistic demand as well. The bad circulation between the single content of moral education and college students' downturn interests,the "vacuum"environment of the single way for education and being divorced from life,the inevitable result of intellectual and moral hypocrisy disjointed make jointly the overall style of inefficient moral education,which without doubt reveals the huge realistic pressure for college students' moral educational reform. Meanwhile,whether the college students as the direct object of moral education or colleges as the main educational object,or every ordinary family in society have psychological needs to reform the moral education and provide strong mental power for constructing a new mode of moral education.

关 键 词: 大学生道德教育 现实压力 精神需要 改革 动力

分 类 号: [G641]

领  域: []


