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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《城市观察》 2018年第5期24-30,共7页

摘  要: 随着粤港澳大湾区建设迈入新的发展阶段,产业协同尤其是制造业协同发展的重要性进一步凸显.本文选择具有代表性的珠三角9市的制造业作为研究对象,通过构建产业协同评价指标,对制造业的专业化程度、同构化程度以及地区产业分布和转移进行了深入分析.粤港澳大湾区制造业的集聚和专业化效应明显,产业同构是现阶段产业结构调整和再度分工的结果.因而,要推动核心城市的引领作用,鼓励城市在价值链上的差异化分工合作,发挥市场和政府两只手的共同作用,确保湾区产业的协同发展. With the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area entering anew development stage, the importance of industrial synergy, especially in the manufacturingindustry, is further highlighted. This paper chooses the representative manufacturing industryof 9 cities in Guangdong province as research objectives, analyzes the specialization degree andthe iso morphism degree of the manufacturing industry by constructing the Industrial SynergyEvaluation Index, and further studies the regional industrial distribution and transfer. The agglomerationand specialization effect of manufacturing industry in the Great Bay Area is obvious,and the industrial isomorphism is the result of the adjustment of industrial structure and specialization.Therefore, we should promote the leading role of the core cities, encouraging the differenceof the city in the value chain division of work to ensure the industrial synergy developmentof the Bay Area.

关 键 词: 粤港澳大湾区 珠三角 产业协同 专业化制造业

分 类 号: [F13]

领  域: []


