作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院
出 处: 《江汉大学学报:人文科学版》 2007年第3期 109-112,共4页
摘 要: 波兰尼的默会知识理论对解决高校外国文学课教学所面临的困境有着积极可行的意义。默会知识在外国文学课堂中占有绝对优势的比重,因此,教材选取应“淡史重文”“详近略远”;应改变原有的教学手段,借用“布白”艺术留有默会空间;侧重对学生默会知识的考核。 Michael Polanyi' s theory of tacit knowledge provides practical solutions to the predica- ments faced by current foreign literature teaching in universities. Tacit knowledge occupies a major proportion in foreign literature teaching, which advocates a series of reforms, including the literary-text-andmodern-history oriented textbook selecting, pro-tacit teaching methodology, and evaluating systems.
分 类 号: [H319.3]
领 域: []