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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院

出  处: 《外国文学研究》 2018年第3期110-119,共10页

摘  要: 古老的"斯芬克斯之谜"使中国传统神话中的白娘子与安徒生笔下的美人鱼显现出高度共生互文的伦理起源和伦理旨归,进而成为中西文学探索人性与伦理建构的经典形象。通过文学伦理学批评的视角和方法对二者进行对比研究,可以赋予"异类恋"文学母题更深刻的伦理意蕴。女主人公"成为人"的伦理诉求在其"去兽形、得人性"的伦理选择过程中,彰显了人类成长历经的伦理混沌和伦理启蒙。白娘子折损千年道行换得"为人"、"为妻"、"为母"的伦理身份,皈依中国传统家庭伦理;美人鱼"弃尾"、"割舌"换取了以"失语"为象征的残缺的人性,最终演绎了其在"得人性"的征程上殉道式的伦理悲剧。婚姻作为爱情神话中两性走向道德共同体最神圣的伦理归宿,体现了白娘子弃恶从善,修炼为人的伦理选择,也使美人鱼再现了希腊文学中自我牺牲的"殉情"情节,成为其追求人性之路的"殉道"之举。她们对天性的抑制和对人性的追求展现了在伦理启蒙中的人性至善。 The ancient Greek riddle of the Sphinx underwrites an intertextual perspective on the White Snake in Fang Chengpei's The Legend Leifeng Tower and the Mermaid in Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, both of which are generally seen as classic and symbiotic female images and metaphors of human desires, life purport, and ethical paradoxes. Viewed in the light of ethical literary criticism, the two protagonists' pursuit of human forms and human nature can be interpreted as their efforts to make a balance and a choice between animal factor and human factor. In the name of metamorphosis and love, the two female protagonists try to solve their own riddles of the Sphinx by sacrificing their magic power and sweet voice respectively. Though their efforts in vein, their suppression of natural will and pursuit of human benevolence is much adored and is suggestive of human beings' ultimate pursuit of goodness.

关 键 词: 白娘子 美人鱼 斯芬克斯因子 伦理混沌 伦理选择

分 类 号: [I106.2]

领  域: []


