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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《外语教学与研究:外国语文双月刊》 2015年第2期176-189,共14页

摘  要: 本研究采用图片诱导法,考察3-9岁儿童在讲述故事时用来标记(不)定指的名词短语形式和相应的句法位置。结果表明,汉语儿童较早习得了各类名词短语形式与(不)定指之间的对应关系,但句法位置标记的习得相对较晚,表现在学前儿童普遍违反“主语定指限制条件”,使用数量名形式充当主语。此外,指称对象的数目影响受试对不定指名词短语形式的选择。指称对象为多个时,受试采用比指称对象为单个时更多的数量名形式。研究结果支持文献中有关汉语儿童较早掌握名词短语指称性质的结论,同时印证了句法一语用接口较难习得的观点,但与幼儿不能从听话人视角组织语言形式的认识不符。 Using the picture-elicitation technique,the present study investigates the use of NP forms and syntactic positions in marking(in)definiteness by Mandarin-acquiring children aged between 3-9in their story-telling.The results indicate an early acquisition of the mapping between NP forms and indefiniteness,but a late development of the syntactic position markers,as evidenced by the preschoolers' frequent violation of the subject definiteness constraint,i.e.,using numeral phrases as the sentential subject.The study also reveals an impact by the number of referents on the choice of NP forms in marking new referents.Both children and adults in the study produced more numeral phrases when referring to multiple referents than did they when referring to a single referent.These findings support the view that the mapping between NP forms and referentiality is acquired early,while linguistic knowledge at the syntax-pragmatics interface is more difficult to acquire.However,the idea that young children do not take the hearer' s knowledge into consideration in their language is not supported by the present study.

关 键 词: (不)定指 儿童 语言习得 NP形式 句法位置

分 类 号: [H14]

领  域: []


