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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《汕头大学学报:人文社会科学版》 2013年第4期42-46,共5页

摘  要: 梭罗基本上是以隐士形象扎根于中国读者的心中,但这其实只是一种单面化的理解。梭罗的人格中既有隐士的一面:钟情孤独、热爱自然,又有非隐士的一面:喜欢交际、热心政治。梭罗的双面人格无时无刻不在内心交融抑或鏖战,其人格形态亦因生活环境的变化而呈现出不同面貌,并深刻影响着梭罗人生道路的走向。隐士人格是梭罗来到瓦尔登的重要原因,而非隐士人格又促使他最终离开瓦尔登。 Thoreau is basically a hermit image in the mind of Chinese readers,but this is only a one-sided understanding.This paper will examine Thoreau's dual personality by a close-reading of Walden and of Thoreau's biographical material as important research materials.On one hand,as it is expected of a hermit,Thoreau loved solitude and nature;on the one hand,enthusiastic about society and politics,he had a personality of a non-hermit.Thoreau's dual personalities were always mingling with each other or fighting each other,whose pattern showed itself differently in different living environments,and exerted a profound influence on Thoreau's life.The hermit personality was an important reason for him to live in Walden,while the non-hermit personality caused his eventual departure from the place.

关 键 词: 梭罗 双重人格 《瓦尔登湖》 隐士

分 类 号: [I712.065]

领  域: []


