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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《武汉理工大学学报:社会科学版》 2010年第4期 591-595,共5页

摘  要: 庄子的快乐观主要是推崇所谓的"至乐",庄子的"至乐"绝不同于世俗所以为的至乐,而是体道之时所呈现的一种生命体验。至乐是一种超越于世俗苦乐之上的快乐境界,因此又被庄子称为"无乐"。"无乐"并不意味着停止了一切情感活动,而表现为一种宁静超然,无所扰动,澄明通达的心灵状态。至乐绝非"适人之适",而是一种"自适之适"或者"忘适之适",即一种把自我的舒适与满足推向极至的精神享受。庄子的至乐观,在文人墨客的艺术创作中传响不绝。庄子对至乐的思考,或许能够促使一味追求世俗享乐的现代人,对"何为最大的快乐"这一终极人生问题有更深的体悟。 Chuang-tzu's outlook of happiness is that he praised highly the "greatest happiness",the "greatest happiness" to which Chuang-tzu referred is not one advocated by the common people,but the peak experience when comprehending the "Tao".The "greatest happiness" is a happy feeling beyond common sadness and happiness,so it is also named "none-happiness" by Chuang-tzu."None-happiness" does not mean stop of all emotions,but means peace,calm,clear and smooth spiritual status.The "greatest happiness" is totally different from the "comfort of others",but the "self-comfort" or "oblivious comfort",which regards true self-satisfaction as the ultimate and eternal spiritual enjoyment.The experience of the "greatest happiness" has appeared in their artistic works again and again.Thoughts on "greatest happiness" may prompt those who blindly chase common enjoyment in modern society to rethink the ultimate question-what is greatest happiness.

关 键 词: 庄子 至乐 无乐 虚静 自适

分 类 号: [G02 B223.5]

领  域: [] []


