作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
出 处: 《浙江社会科学》 2009年第11期 79-83,共5页
摘 要: 庄子与惠子有关大树的一段对话,呈现了对于物的两种态度。惠子代表的是世俗的实用功利主义态度:物只是一种工具,没有独立意义;而庄子则代表道的态度:物存在本身就是其意义。孔子与吕梁丈夫有关蹈水之道的一段对话,同样呈现了对人物关系的两种认识。孔子代表的是知性立场:入与物是驾驭与被驾驭的主客分化的关系;而吕梁丈夫则代表道的立场:人与物是浑然一体的亲缘关系。庄子的物论,深远地影响了古代中国人的生存态度与艺术理念,直至今日,对于构筑人与世界的和谐关系仍大有裨益。 The talk on a big tree between Zhuangzi and Huizi reflects two different attitudes towards natural things.Huizi is representative of common utilitarian people who hold that natural things are only tools,which has not independent value,while Zhuangzi is representative of those who have comprehended Tao and hold that the value of natural things lies in themselves.Similarly,the talk on swimming skill between Confucius and Luliang reflects two different attitudes towards relationship between human and natural things.Confucius is representative of rational persons who hold that the relationship is extrinsic,while Luliang is representative of those who have comprehended Tao and hold that the relationship is close.Zhuangzi's thoughts on natural things have far-reaching impact on Chinese traditional life and arts,and are also of great benefit to the harmonious relationship between the whole world and us in today's life.
分 类 号: [B223.5 G633.3]