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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《哲学研究》 2015年第8期75-82,共8页

摘  要: 对法治指数的合理性存在两种怀疑:一是法治指数在实践中由于制度缺陷被误用甚至滥用的可能性;二是法治指数本身价值基础的合法性。对法治指数本身价值基础合法性的怀疑本质上是试图用价值相对论否定法治的意义。法治的意义不容否认,原因在于相对的价值共识是存在的并决定了法治的相对合理性。法治指数在实践中的问题也可以被克服.法治指数设计的可行态度和立场应该是在承认法治作为世界文明成果的前提下融入自身元素。 There are two doubts about the rule of law index.One is whether the rule of law index can be correctly used in China,the other is the legitimacy of the rule of law index.The doubt of the legitimacy of the rule of law index is an effort to deny the legitimacy of the rule of law by axiology relativism.The legitimacy of the rule of law is undeniable because relative consensus between peoples is possible.As to the possibility of abuse of the rule of law index,it can be overcome by the enforcement of law.We should discover our own rule of law index which embodies the spirit of the rule of law of the world and characters of China.

关 键 词: 法治指数 价值论 合理性

分 类 号: [B82-051]

领  域: []


