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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《中国社会科学》 2019年第11期64-85,205,206共24页

摘  要: 治理创新是粤港澳大湾区发展的题中之义,是契合大湾区发展需求的必然选择。大湾区治理创新的实现有赖于法治功用的发挥与法治进程的推进。法治是大湾区治理创新的逻辑前提、基本保障、关键动能、实现路径。同时,治理创新的阶段性、治理规则的创新适用、治理模式的创新以及治理纠纷的复杂多样性对大湾区法治建设提出了新要求。回应大湾区治理创新的法治需求,应立足于从时间与空间两个维度推动法治建设的同步展开;拓展法律规范体系并实现软法与硬法的衔接适用;构建多元共治的法律治理模式,包含治理结构法定化、治理方式规范化、程序制度塑造、治理机制构建;以及完善公私衔接的多元法律救济制度等方面,探寻大湾区治理创新的法治进路。法学及法治理论创新、法学学科体系创新可以引领大湾区治理创新走向深入,指导大湾区法治创新实践,实现大湾区治理创新与法治的良性互动。 Governance innovation is a relevant topic and an inevitable choice for the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.The achievement of governance innovation in the Greater Bay Area depends on the functioning and progress of the rule of law,which constitutes the logical premise,basic guarantee,key engine and realization path of governance innovation in the area.At the same time,the staged division of governance innovation,the innovation and application of governance rules,the innovation of governance models and the complex diversity of governance disputes have put forward new requirements for the rule of law in the Greater Bay Area.In responding to the rule of law needs of its governance innovation,we should take the position of expanding the system of legal norms and realize the coordinated application of soft and hard law by pushing forward the synchronous development of rule of law construction in both space and time;should build a legal governance model of pluralistic governance,including the legalization of governance structure,the normalization of governance methods,the shaping of procedural systems,and the construction of governance mechanisms;and should explore the rule of law approach to governance innovation in the Greater Bay Area in such fields as developing a diverse system of legal relief that links up the public and the private.Theoretical innovation in both jurisprudence and the rule of law and innovation in the discipline of law can lead to the deepening of governance innovation,guide innovation in the rule of law,and realize a benign interaction between governance innovation and the rule of law in the Greater Bay Area.

关 键 词: 粤港澳大湾区 治理创新 法治 区域法治 软法

分 类 号: [D92]

领  域: []


