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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学法学院

出  处: 《学术研究》 2015年第8期44-49,共6页

摘  要: 当前我国区域经济一体化中虽已有一些公民参与实践,但公民参与的主体合法性、参与范围、参与途径和参与效力缺少法律层面的制度保障。我国应建立包括宪法性法律和基本法律、区域经济一体化法律治理机制、地方法规、规章和规范性文件以及软法在内的法律机制,以为区域经济一体化中的公民参与提供权利保障、信息保障、组织保障和程序保障。这一法律保障机制的构建应沿着从“地方到中央”、“从软法到硬法”的发展思路,致力于充实公民参与的权利,创新公民参与的途径及细化公民参与的程序。 We have found some practice of civic participation in unitizing regional economy in China, however, there is no legally institutional guaranty in its subjective legality, participational scope, ways and efficiency. Those legal governance mechanisms including constitutional law, basic law, and one for unitizing the regional economy, in order to provide a guaranty of civic right, information, organization, and procedures. The establishment of legal guaranty mechanism should follow the thinking way of development from local government to central government, and from a soft law to a hard law, so as to fulfill the right of civic participation, innovate the ways of civic participation, and substantialize the procedures of civic participation.

关 键 词: 区域经济一体化 公民参与 法律保障机制

分 类 号: [D92]

领  域: []


