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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《国际商务:对外经济贸易大学学报》 2017年第3期138-148,共11页

摘  要: 互联网是传统企业转型升级的重要途径,电子商务是互联网的重要应用形式。我国传统贸易下滑与电子商务的高速增长,在一定程度上说明电子商务是我国稳增长的重要途径。但是在电子商务增长时,大量实体经济倒闭,引发社会热议,其中较具代表性的观点是电子商务的极速扩张对传统产业造成了危害。本文正本清源,厘清似是而非的误区,从经济学本源的贸易替代效应和创造效应出发,使用美国线上和线下的零售季度数据,通过协整性检验和格兰杰因果检验的方法证明电子商务对传统产业长期发展发挥了创造效应。最后,本文呼吁在该结论的基础上,待我国电子商务统计数据完善后,对该问题进行更加科学的研判,以期更好地发挥电子商务在"互联网+"战略中的作用。 E-commerce has become one of ways promoting economic growth in China. But some people think it does harm to the traditional economics. This paper explores the impact of e-commerce in retail field using the ways of regression analysis of co-integration and granger causality test based on the quarterly U.S. retail sales from 2000 to 2015.Results indicate that in long run, e-commerce has a significant enhancement effect on traditional retail field. Since the statistical data of e-commerce in China is not integrity, the effect of it could not be tested in China. Therefore, this paper suggests scientific empirical research on effect of e-commerce in China should be conducted in the future with the considering of the special phenomenon that bad money drives out good in the field of Internet Plus.

关 键 词: 电子商务 贸易替代效应 贸易创造效应 美国 零售业

分 类 号: [F713.36]

领  域: []


