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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《江苏师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2015年第6期10-13,共4页

摘  要: 自1907年两名中国人分别在德国波恩和柏林通过博士论文以来,至1962年,共有732位留德中国学子获得了德国大学博士学位。在这732篇博士论文中,有251篇是在德国首都柏林发表的。分析这251篇博士论文的特征,可以看出中国学生在这55年间对于不同专业领域的专注程度和兴趣,也可以看出中德文化交往的蜜月期和低谷期对论文数量的影响。本文通过重点分析在柏林发表的博士论文题目的特点、学科分布、集中年份、女性发表博士论文比例、论文内容与中国相关程度等特征,以观察当时在博士科研教育阶梯上努力的留德中国学子,进而分析他们在中德学术和文化交流史上的地位和作用。 In 1907,two Chinese people finished their doctoral thesis in Germany,each other in Bonn and Berlin.To 1962, total 732 Chinese students studying in Germany received a doctor title in German universities.In the Research about these 732 papers (251 was published in Berlin),especially in the analysis of the characteristics of the 251 doctoral thesis,many can be fund,such as the focus for different study areas and interests of Chinese scholars and students in 55 years,the ho-neymoon period of the Sino-German cultural exchanges and troughs.In the analysis of the characteristics of these doctoral thesis’s:discipline distribution,centralized Year,the proportion of women doctoral,the paper content relevance,the ed-ucational ladder of Chinese students in Germany can be observed,and then their position and role in the history of Sino-German academic and cultural exchanges.

关 键 词: 留学生 博士论文 中德教育关系

分 类 号: [K265.2]

领  域: []


