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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东食品药品职业学院

出  处: 《惠州学院学报》 2016年第1期10-13,共4页

摘  要: 徐旭曾是客家历史文化中的杰出人物,其所著述的《丰湖杂记》被称为客家学的开山之作,被誉为“客家人的宣言”,具有深厚的文化底蕴和内涵,对研究徐旭曾文化具有重要的意义。文章从历史学、文化学、教育学、经济学、市场学等多学科角度探讨徐旭曾文化品牌的社会效应及其实现,这将打开对客家历史人物文化研究的新思路,开拓研究新视野,打造和树立徐旭曾文化品牌具有一定的社会意义。 Xu Xuzeng is an outstanding figure in Hakka history and culture. His writing Fenghu Miscellanies, with profound cuhural background and eonnotation, is known as "declaration of Hakka" and pioneer of Hakka studies, and has important significance to the study of Xu Xuzeng culture. This paper probes into the social effect and its implementation of Xu Xuzeng culture brand from muhidisci- plinary perspectives of history, euhure, education, economics, and marketing, and has certain social significance in opening a new route to the euhural study of historical Hakka figures, opening up new perspectives on the study, and creating and establishing Xu Xuz- eng culture brand.

关 键 词: 徐旭曾 《丰湖杂记》 文化品牌 社会效应

分 类 号: [G127]

领  域: []


