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作  者: ;

机构地区: 岭南师范学院

出  处: 《岭南师范学院学报》 2016年第2期61-67,共7页

摘  要: 茂名地区分布着粤、闽、客、旧时正话、马兰话等方言。从方言种类来看,茂名客家方言的研究仍处于薄弱环节;从研究范式来看,共时研究为主,历时研究较少,且主要为方言本体研究,与文献结合研究较少;从方言本体内部来看,语音、词汇研究较多,语法研究较少等。可以预见学界将会进一步深入发掘方言事实,加强茂名方言的比较研究。 There are Yue dialects,Min dialects,Hakka dialects,Jiushizheng(旧时正)dialect and Malan(马兰)dialect in Maoming.From the point of types of dialects,the study of Hakka dialects of Maoming is still in the weak link;from the point of study paradigm,synchronic study is the main part,and diachronic study is weak.The study of the dialects of ontology is the main part,and the study combined with literature is weak;from the point of internal dialects,the study of phonology and vocabulary is the main part,the study of grammar is weak,etc.Dialect facts will be further explore by scholars,and the comparative study of dialects in Maoming will be strengthen.

关 键 词: 茂名方言 粤方言 闽方言 客家方言 濒危方言

分 类 号: [H07]

领  域: []


