作 者: ;
机构地区: 岭南师范学院
出 处: 《外国教育研究》 2011年第10期 48-52,共5页
摘 要: “教师驻校培养计划”是美国一种新兴的针对城市学区高需求中小学的教师培养模式。它通常由城市学区、高校和非政府机构三方合作,采用住院实习医生的模式,为教师流失率高及教育质量低下的学校培养合格教师。该计划在一年的教师驻校培养期间将教育理论与实践在课堂环境中紧密结合,有机统合了职前培养和在职培训,在培养新任教师专业技能和提高新任教师留职率等方面取得了良好的效果。开创了教师教育的新模式。 Teacher Kesidency Program is a newly emerged teacher-training program targeting specific high-needs school districts in American urban areas. It is based on the unban school district,combining with universities and non-profit organizations, and takes the medical residency model to cultivate teachers for the schools which have high rate of teacher turnover and low quality of education. Teacher Residency Program interweaves educational theory,pedagogical training,and practice in the context of a classroom through a year-long residency,and it integrates the pre-service teacher education and on-the-job training. It has made good impact on new teachers' effectiveness and retention rate, and initiated a different and innovative model of teacher education.
分 类 号: [G451 G712]