作 者: ;
机构地区: 岭南师范学院
出 处: 《淮海工学院学报:人文社会科学版》 2014年第4期59-61,共3页
摘 要: 目前对一词多义的研究主要集中在对单个语词的汉英对比隐喻分析上,对一类词的多义研究关注较少。将隐喻理论应用于汉英“光线类”词汇语义延伸机制并展开探讨,发现此类词汇在两种语言之间存在隐喻同质性和异质性,印证了隐喻一方面具有体验普适性,另一方面受认知主体文化模式和语言系统的影响,表现出一定的认知倾向性。 The current cognitive researches of polysemy are mainly focused on the comparative study of some English word and its Chinese equivalent and little attention is paid to a group of words. By virtue of the theory of metaphor, this paper probes into the words of "Light/Dark" and "Ming/An", finding that this group of words presents similarities as well as differences in their metaphorical extension. Thus this study proves that different peoples, on the one hand, share the same metaphorical experience about the world based on their experience; on the other hand, they form respective metaphorical tendencies due to different cultures and languages.
分 类 号: [H315]
领 域: []