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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

出  处: 《南京体育学院学报:社会科学版》 2015年第1期69-77,共9页

摘  要: 通过对2010-2012年珠三角9市体育用品出口各项数据统计与实地调研发现,转型期珠三角体育用品出口贸易主要特点:1出口总体表现平稳,出口额度环比微降,降幅逐年减小;2存在出口区域严重失衡,出口占比主要集中在东莞、深圳、广州3个市;3欧美市场份额占比有所下降,出口多元化策略见微效,出口市场仍高度集中;4进料加工正增长与来料加工负增长均显著,一般贸易保持平稳,保税区增长明显;5转型催生劳动密集型体育用品业"前店后厂"分工模式;6产业结构转型加速珠三角体育用品业两极分化,总体呈现3个梯队。最后,针对珠三角体育用品出口现状提出"拓展体育用品内销市场,支撑企业转型升级"、"加强体育用品企业专利保护与标准化建设"、"创新‘一达通’融资模式、‘体育赛事’营销模式与‘云’经营模式"等5个层面的对策。 Based on the statistical analysis and on-the-spot investigation of sports goods export data in 9 cities of Pearl River Delta from 2010 to 2012 ,the main features of sports goods export trade in Pearl River Delta in the tran- sitional period were summarized as follows:①overall export was stable, the link relative ratio of export quotas was down slightly,and the decreasing amplitude became smaller; ②regional imbalance appeared, exports accounted for mainly located in Dongguan, shenzhen, and Guangzhou City;③the market share in Europe and the United States declined, the diversification strategy of export saw little effect, export market was still highly concentrated ; ④positive growth of feed tooling and negative growth of processing was remarkable, the general trade remained stable, the bonded area increased significantly;⑤industrial transformation spawned the division pattern of" front shop back fac- tory"in the labor intensive sports goods industry; ⑥ industrial transformation accelerated the polarization of sports goods industry in the Pearl River Delta, forming 3 echelon. Finally, according to the export situation of Pearl River Delta sports, the present study proposed five strategies including" expanding the sports goods market, supporting the transformation and u ng of enterprises", "strengthening the protection of sports goods enterprises patent and standardized construction", "establishing pass financing mode, sport events marketing mode and cloud operation mode".

关 键 词: 产业结构转型 珠三角 体育用品 出口贸易

分 类 号: [G50-58]

领  域: []


