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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

出  处: 《武汉大学学报:人文科学版》 2008年第5期 619-622,共4页

摘  要: 19世纪章回小说蕴含着强烈的地域特色与地域文化因素。其一,就小说创作题材来说,北方章回小说类型的主要代表是儿女英雄小说及侠义公案小说,南方则多为狭邪小说与才子佳人小说。其二,在章回小说的地域差异背后,隐藏着深层的思想内涵,诠释着中国思想文化从传统迈向近代的发展轨迹。其三,19世纪中后期,章回小说有南北合流的趋势。 The chapter fictions in the 19 th century had strong clime difference and clime culture factor. First, the northern chapter fictions mostly are heroic sons and daughters fictions and errantry fictions, while the southern chapter fictions mostly are "xia-xie" fitions and hel-esprit and beautiful woman fictions. Secondly, the clime difference hided deep-seated thinking connotation and deciphered the development track from tradition to modern. Thirdly, the chapter fictions had a current of confluent north and south.

关 键 词: 19世纪 地域差异 思想内涵

分 类 号: [I206.2]

领  域: []


