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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

出  处: 《艺术百家》 2014年第6期116-123,188共9页

摘  要: 中国现代艺术学理论的学科演进是构成科际关联的各种错综复杂因素间相互作用、彼此牵制的结果。其历史脉络的显在呈现是学科的单一化与多元化之间的角逐,隐在呈现则是艺术自律和艺术他律两种价值观取向上的原则性分歧。对艺术学理论研究方法的抉择贯穿着实证与思辨的博弈,而艺术学新学科摇摆在"向心"与"离心"之间则彰显着学科定位之难。在本土化和全球化两种学术话语彼此包容的语境中,艺术学理论的"西化"与"中化"也越来越从对抗走向对话和交融,但后现代科学观对"元叙事"的消解,则使得综合性的艺术学理论学科建设面临着种种质疑和阻力。这诸多对立统一因素的合力作用,谱写了中国现代艺术学理论发展史上气势恢宏、波澜壮阔、绚丽多姿的乐章。 The disciplinary advancement of modern Chinese arts theory is a result of interaction among various and complicated factors of interdisciplinary relation. It obviously develops in the competition between single discipline and multi- discipline,and it evolves also in a secret principle differentiation between art self- discipline and heteronomy orientation. The choice of research methods became a game between empirical methods and theoretical methods,and it revealed the difficulties caused by disciplinary nature,while the new discipline of artistic theory was wavered between " centripetal direction" and " centrifugal direction". With the containing globalization and localization in the development of Chinese academics,the clashes on artistic study between " westernization" and " sinicization" will go to dialogue and fusion. And in the academic perspective of postmodernism,the deconstruction to meta- narrative makes it more difficult to face doubts and resistances in the construction of artistic discipline. Just as the function of various forces,it writes a spectacularly orchestra music in the history of Chinese modern artistic theory.

关 键 词: 艺术学理论 艺术自律 文化自信 科际关联 学科演进 学科建设 辩证关系

分 类 号: [J0]

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