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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

出  处: 《艺术百家》 2017年第5期115-127,共13页

摘  要: 张道一先生早在20世纪90年代即从学科“预流”的高度,力倡建立中国艺术学理论学科,体现出中国艺术学人敢于“亮剑”的文化自信。在《艺术原理述要》一文中,他对困扰艺术学理论学科已久的三大核心问题——艺术学从何而来?艺术学研究什么?怎样进行艺术学研究?——依次进行了原创性的探索和解答,力求从根本上解决艺术学研究的认识论、本体论和方法论问题。《艺术原理述要》一文阐述了张先生建设中国艺术学理论学科的总体性纲领,初步勾勒出这门学科的整体轮廓,为后来者的深入研究指明了方向。该文带给我们的启示是:要想在艺术学理论这一新兴人文学科领域有所作为,必须像张先生那样走富有中国特色的艺术学理论研究之路:在学术立场上既要以中国艺术为立足点,又要有全球性的世界眼光来洞察审视;在致思路径上要能“由博返约”,致广大而精深;在研究方法上既广纳博收,广泛借鉴人文社会科学和乃至自然科学的最新成果,又要以艺为本,正确处理好艺术实践和艺术理论、艺术的整体研究和局部研究、共性研究和个性研究的辩证关系。 From the height of discipline, Mr. Zhang Daoyi advocated establishing Chinese arts theory discipline early in 1990s, which reflected Chinese art scholars" confidence and braveness. In the article summary of art principles, he discusses three core and perplexing problems: where does art science come from.9 What does art science study.9 How to do art science research.9 And respectively, he gives original exploration and answer, and tries his best to solve the epistemology, ontology, and methodology problems from the root. Summary of art principles elaborates the guiding principle in establishing the discipline Chinese arts theory, and preliminarily depicts the overall outline of the disci- pline, and points out the direction for the latter to do a profound research. This article gives us some inspirations. We must take Chinese art as the foothold, and have a world insight. We must extensively refer to the update achievements of social sciences and natural sciences. We must correctly handle the dialectical relation between art practice and theory, overall and part research, universal and individual research.

关 键 词: 张道一 艺术原理述要 中国特色 艺术学理论 学科建构

分 类 号: [J0]

领  域: []


