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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

出  处: 《文艺理论研究》 2016年第6期156-162,共7页

摘  要: 早在20世纪40年代前后,针对当时社会教育现状,黎锦熙发表了“大学国文之统筹与救济”等系列语文论著,最早提出了“统筹与救济”的大学语文教育观,黎锦熙的“统筹”意为全国统筹国文教材,注重“大中”衔接,并在教学中兼顾教材的讲读与写作训练;“救济”是根据学生国文程度的不同情况,采取不同的教学方式,以期整体提高国文水平。中国语文教育走过了百年历程,但今天仍然存在着大中小学语文教育衔接问题、大学生语文水平普遍不高的现象,因此,高等语文教育仍然要坚定语言能力的培养目标,培养以语用为核心的高层级语言运用能力,使学生不仅具有高层级的阅读与理解能力,而且具有高超的交际与写作能力。 In the 1940s, due to the lack of systematic education, university students had an imbalanced command of Chinese language and literature. Li Jinxi, a pioneer in Chinese language and literature education, published a series of papers on the ideas of "Tong Chou" (integration) and "Jiu Ji" (remedy) in Chinese language and literature education in tertiary institutes. "Integration" refers to the standardization of the number of essays in Chinese textbooks, focusing on improving reading and writing skills. Meanwhile, based on students' levels of Chinese, teachers could be flexible in terms of teaching methods, which is "remedy". Similar problems still exist today: there is a gap between secondary institutes and tertiary institutes regarding Chinese language and literature education; the overall Chinese level of university students is not satisfactory. Therefore, improving the language skill, especially the proper use of language, is the objective of Chinese language and literature education in tertiary institutes. All students are supposed to acquire skills of not only reading and comprehension, but also writing and communication.

关 键 词: 大学语文 黎锦熙 统筹 救济

分 类 号: [G633.3]

领  域: []


