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作  者: ;

机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院

出  处: 《海南大学学报:人文社会科学版》 2016年第4期11-17,共7页

摘  要: 海南渔民在南海航海和捕鱼作业的历史可上溯到二千多年前,从未间断。他们称南海为“祖宗海”,他们最早发现、最早命名、最早开发南海岛礁,并不断经营建设,创造了海南渔民独具特色的海洋文化。考古发现、文献记载和渔民调查均证明了中国在南海岛礁及海域的历史性所有权。 The history that Hainan fishers voyage and fish in the South China Sea can be dated back to two thousand years ago, which has never been stopped. The South China sea has been called "Zuzong Hai" (the ancestor sea) since they first discover, name and exploit its islands and reefs, continuously managing them to create the marine culture that is unique to the fishers in Hainan. The archaeological discoveries, the documents and the investigation of fishers all prove China' s historical ownership for the South China Sea islands and reefs and its waters.

关 键 词: 南海 历史性所有权 海南渔民

分 类 号: [K2]

领  域: []


