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作  者: ;

机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院

出  处: 《深圳大学学报:人文社会科学版》 2015年第6期24-30,共7页

摘  要: 儒学经历了"创儒时代"、"尊儒时代"、"批儒时代"三个阶段,正进入第四个阶段即"用儒时代"。"用儒时代"是改革开放后主流意识形态逐步明确了对儒家的态度,人们逐步从过去的"弃儒"、"疑儒"进展到"择儒而用"的新阶段,即经过"扬弃"选择儒家文化中的精华,使之汇入时代的精神。"用儒时代"的儒学应准确定位,儒家文化是中华传统文化系统的核心,但还有其他派别以及不同民族和地域文化的融汇共存;儒家文化对中国古代文明领先于世界起了积极的促进作用,也对近代中国的落后以负面影响;儒家文化精华是当代中国马克思主义的文化基因和内容,但其糟粕应予以清醒的认识和批判。科学地扬弃和合理地应用儒学,是"用儒时代"儒学的根本任务。 After experiencing the " the era of establishment", "the era of worship", and "the era of condemnation", the Confucian study is stepping into a fourth phase, "the era of application". This is a new era after the attitude toward Confucianism is increasingly defined in the mainstream ideology since China's reform and opening up. The general attitude toward Confucianism has shifted from "desertion" and "suspicion" to "selective application" --that is, we seek to absorb the essence of traditional Confucian culture and bring it up to date. In "the era of application", Confucianism ought to be properly oriented. The Confucian culture is the core of Chinese traditional cultural system, but cultures of different nationalities and geographic backgrounds have always been blending and co-existing with one another in China. The Confucian culture played a positive role in promoting Chinese ancient civilization to set a pace for the world, but it was also in some way to blame for the backwardness in modem China. The essence of the Confucian culture constitutes the meme and content of contemporary Chinese Marxism, but its dross should be recognized and criticized. For Confucianism, we need to discard its dross and absorb its essence and apply it properly to make it play a fundamental role in this "era of application".

关 键 词: 用儒时代 儒学 定位 扬弃

分 类 号: [B222]

领  域: []


